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Tag: Majors

#53: Sorting Through the Mountain of College Recruiting Materials

Today we are talking about how to manage the deluge of college recruiting materials to help choose the best college or university. My guest today is Dr. Shirley Roels. She has been a career counselor and a marketing professor focusing on nonprofit marketing.  She also speaks from her experience as someone who made mistakes when she was selecting a college and did a better job helping her two sons in their selection process. She currently serves as the Executive Director of the International Network for Christian Higher Education.    In this podcast we discuss:   Resources mentioned during our conversation:

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#51: A Guide to Majoring in Sociology

In this edition, I continue my sporadic series on various college majors students may choose. To discuss the field of Sociology, my guest is Dr. Kevin Dougherty, Associate Professor of Sociology at Baylor University.   In this podcast we discuss:   Resources mentioned during our conversation:

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#49: Why Are Students Required to Take General Education (or “Core Curriculum”) Courses?

Why do universities require students to take classes in the humanities during their first few years? Dr. David Horner, who has taught these classes for many years, helps us see the wisdom of requiring these courses, in light of the value they bring to the student who takes them seriously. Dave earned his master’s and doctoral degrees in philosophy at Oxford University, is a professor of philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, and is the author of (among other books) the popular Mind Your Faith: A Student’s Guide to Thinking and Living Well. In this podcast we discuss: Resources mentioned…

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#48: Various Types of Colleges and Universities: Which is Right For You?

This edition of the College Faith podcast welcomes Dr. Robbie Castleman, emeritus professor of Biblical Studies at John Brown University. She has studied, ministered to students, and taught at a number of very different types of schools. As a result, she is a helpful guide to understanding the similarities and differences between different types of colleges and universities. In this podcast we discuss: Resources mentioned during our conversation:

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#47: A Guide to Majoring in the Professions (Business, Law, Medicine, etc.)

In this episode, I continue my series on various college majors students may choose. To discuss business, and the professions more generally, I’ve invited Dr. John Terrill to join me. John has a unique background to help us consider majoring in the professions. He has a degree in business from Indiana University, an MBA. from the Kellogg School of Management (Northwestern University), master’s degrees in theology and religion from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D.  in industrial and organizational psychology from Seattle Pacific University. After working in banking and with a business consulting firm, John ministered to students at Harvard Business…

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