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Tag: Integration

#35: Research as Worship

My guest in this episode is Dr. Martine Audeoud, Academic Dean of Bakke Graduate University and author of Research as Worship in the Company of God. In this recent book she shares much wisdom for students doing research for term papers.   In this podcast we discuss:   Resources mentioned during our conversation:

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#33: A Guide to Majoring in the Hard Sciences

This episode is the first in an intermittent series on majoring in the various academic fields (broadly speaking). My hope is to help you understand more of what is involved in various areas of study, how these fields relate to the Christian faith, and practical advice as you major in this area. My guest for each episode in this series will be someone with many years experience in the field, as well as a robust faith in Christ, and has learned to flourish both academically and spiritually in this field of study. We begin today with a focus on majors…

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#21: Reframing the “Evolution or Creation” Debate?

My guest today is Dr. Charles Thaxton, a chemist who is one of the founders of a movement that reframed the debate over evolution and creation. He co-authored The Mystery of Life’s Origin: Reassessing Current Theories, which sparked what has come to be known as the “Intelligent Design” movement in the study of origins. This reframing of the creation/evolution debate has both strong supporters and strong critics. In our conversation we delve into exactly what “ID” is and is not, the data that supports this approach to origins, what critiques are made of this approach, and how he responds to…

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