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Tag: Vocation

#44: A Guide to Majoring in Mathematics

This episode continues my sporadic series on the various fields students may choose to study while in college, today discussing a major in mathematics. My guest is Dr. Francis Su, a professor of Mathematics at the prestigious Harvey Mudd College. Francis is a past president of the Mathematical Association of America, has been featured in Wired and The New York Times, and is the author of the award-winning Mathematics for Human Flourishing.   In this podcast we discuss:   Resources mentioned during our conversation:

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#43: Christian Higher Education and the Real Cost of College

My guest in this episode is Dr. Roger Parrott, the President of Belhaven University for more than three decades. Over the years, he has thought much about the value of a college education, how higher education has changed, in some cases drastically, and the real cost of a college degree. I’ve invited him to share some of his wisdom with us.    In this podcast we discuss:   Resources mentioned during our conversation:

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#33: A Guide to Majoring in the Hard Sciences

This episode is the first in an intermittent series on majoring in the various academic fields (broadly speaking). My hope is to help you understand more of what is involved in various areas of study, how these fields relate to the Christian faith, and practical advice as you major in this area. My guest for each episode in this series will be someone with many years experience in the field, as well as a robust faith in Christ, and has learned to flourish both academically and spiritually in this field of study. We begin today with a focus on majors…

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#18: How The Navigators Minister to University Students

In this episode I continue my series on campus ministries. My guest is Ben Nugent, the National Director of the The Navigator’s campus ministry. As a Navigator staff for 21 years, Ben not only brings the perspective of a senior leader of the ministry to our conversation, but many years in Navigator campus ministry himself. He is the best person I know of to help understand how the Navigators minister to university students.  In this podcast we discuss: How Ben first got involved in The Navigators How The Navigators began The number and type of universities where The Navigators serve…

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#12: The Art and Science of Being an Excellent Student

Welcome to another edition of the College Faith podcast, sponsored by Global Scholars. My guest today is Dr. Perry Glanzer, Professor of Education at Baylor University. In this episode we discuss the ins and outs of being an excellent student, which goes far beyond just earning good grades.   Perry earned his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, and is Baylor’s Professor of Educational Foundations, as well as a Resident Scholar with Baylor’s Institute for Studies in Religion. He has authored, co-authored, or edited a number of important books on the integration of biblical truth and academic studies, including Christianity…

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