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67% of high school graduates head off to college each year, including followers of Christ. Many opportunities and challenges await, whether they attend secular or Christian colleges and universities. 

The College Faith Podcast features Christian leaders who understand the people and ideas of higher education. They share their insights and wisdom, helping students thrive in loving God with their hearts and minds during these formative years.

Stan W. Wallace, Host 

If you are a student, I hope my College Faith Podcast guests give you insights and wisdom far beyond your years! As a result, I pray you find guidance and encouragement during this wonderful season of life.

If you are a parent (as I am, currently with two children away at college), I share your interest in helping our children flourish spiritually as well as intellectually during these formative years. My hope is that my guests are as helpful to you as they are to me!

I grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, and came to faith in Christ during my junior year in a large public high school. Sixteen months later, as a young but growing Christ-follower, it was time to head off to college. In 1981 I began studying political science at Miami University, a public university in Oxford, Ohio. I faced many challenges both spiritually and intellectually during the next four years, but also found ways to flourish.

I met my wife Lori while a student at Miami. We married as I was finishing my studies, and we immediately joined the staff of a large campus ministry. After seven years in student ministry, I began ministering to faculty. I have served in campus ministry for over 35 years now.

Over the past three-plus decades I have devoted myself to understanding how students can best love God with both heart and mind during their university years. Students and parents often ask me for advice on this, and I am happy to share what I know.

I’ve also met many men and women with unique insights and wisdom on these topics. Proverbs 15:22 tells us that “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisors they succeed.” So I began the College Faith Podcast to allow these many “advisors” to share their counsel with Christian parents and students thinking about these issues.

I will post one interview a month, covering topics related to (in no particular order):

  • Loving God with the mind (intellectual life on campus, including classroom and study skills, integrating biblical truth and various majors, and engaging other perspectives in healthy and fruitful ways)
  • Loving God with the heart (devotional life on campus)
  • Understanding the university and one’s place in it
  • Finding a healthy church and campus fellowship
  • Discerning God’s calling (one’s “vocation,” in the true sense of the word)
  • How to have a redemptive influence on campus.

Please subscribe to the College Faith Podcast so you don’t miss an episode!

I currently serve as the President and CEO of Global Scholars, an international ministry equipping Christian professors to make Christ known on campuses worldwide. (Global Scholars makes this podcast possible by allowing me to use a portion of my time in its production, in return for promotional consideration.) I hold a Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, a Master of Arts in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics, and a Doctor of Ministry in Christian Thought. I teach and write on issues in apologetics, ethics, philosophy, and theology, now mostly on my blog Thinking Christianly. For my full biography see my LinkedIn page.

To contact me, please use the Contact page on this website.

The opinions expressed on the College Faith website and podcast are mine and those of my guests, and do not necessarily represent those of our sponsor(s). 

The information I provide is on an as-is basis, and I will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its use.

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