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Tag: Campus fellowships

#31: The Every Campus Coalition

My guest in this episode is Dan Allen, a leader in the Every Campus Coalition, a new initiative to help connect students with all the ministries seeking to serve them during their university years.   In this podcast we discuss: What the Every Campus Coalition is and how it started What campus “Prayer Walks” are, why they are important, and how to participate The goal of establishing a “gospel movement” or “gospel community”  on every campus How the Every Campus Coalition is working toward this goal The importance of partnership among all who seek to minister to university students Some…


#20: How Christian Study Centers Minister to University Students

Today I’m concluding my four-episode series on campus ministries. My guest is Karl Johnson, the Executive Director of the Consortium of Christian Study Centers, a unique initiative to minister to students on campuses throughout the U.S. In this podcast we discuss: Karl’s struggle to integrate his faith and studies while at Cornell Why and how Karl established a Christian Study Center at Cornell (Chesterton House) “Residential ministry” as a focus of Chesterton House What Christian study centers are and their core ministry to students Where and how to find a Christian study center The history of Christian Study Centers, going…


#18: How The Navigators Minister to University Students

In this episode I continue my series on campus ministries. My guest is Ben Nugent, the National Director of the The Navigator’s campus ministry. As a Navigator staff for 21 years, Ben not only brings the perspective of a senior leader of the ministry to our conversation, but many years in Navigator campus ministry himself. He is the best person I know of to help understand how the Navigators minister to university students.  In this podcast we discuss: How Ben first got involved in The Navigators How The Navigators began The number and type of universities where The Navigators serve…

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#16: How CRU Ministers to University Students

This is the second podcast in a series I’m doing on campus ministries. I am interviewing a leader from each, asking them the same questions so that you have an “apples to apples” comparison of the different ministries’ Missions, emphases, distinctives, approaches, and cultures. In this episode I interview a leader with CRU’s campus ministry. He is the first guest I’ve had on the show twice. You first met Roger Hershey when we discussed his book The Finishers on Episode #13. As perhaps the longest-serving staff in CRU’s Campus Ministry (now in his 50th year), I can think of no…

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#8: How Students Succeed at the Intersection of Christian Conviction and Higher Education – Dr. Ken Elzinga

Dr. Ken Elzinga is the Robert C. Taylor Professor of Economics at University of Virginia. As a professor at UVA for over 50 years now, he has nurtured several generations of students. Christian and non-Christian students alike have benefitted from his gentle, Christlike spirit, his winsome manner, and his extraordinary wisdom. He is the type of professor we all hope and pray our children will have–someone who cares deeply about both their minds and hearts. Dr. Elzinga has been able to have such an influence on so many students due to his commitment to excellence in his calling as a…

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#7: The Three Necessary Ingredients to Grow Your Faith in College – Dr. Steven Garber

During his many years in ministry to students Steve noticed some thrived spiritually, while others did not. He began studying what the common factors were that caused students to thrive, eventually earning a PhD in the philosophy of learning at Penn State University.  His research led to his first book, The Fabric of Faithfulness: Weaving Together Belief & Behavior During the University Years, where he discusses the three critical success factors he identified. Now almost three decades later, The Fabric of Faithfulness continues to be widely read and these three principles continue to help countless students flourish as Christians during…

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#6: How to Choose a College – Dr. David Wunder

Choosing a college or university is one of the most important decisions we make in life. It is also one of the most challenging decisions we will ever face. With so many options available and issues to consider, the process can seem overwhelming. In this podcast, I discuss many of the issues to consider with Dr. David Wunder, Dean of Faculty Development and Research Initiatives at Calvin University. Dr. Wunder became serious about his faith as a sophomore in high school and headed off to college eager to grow both intellectually and spiritually. He chose to attend a small public…


#1: How University Students Can Love God with Their Minds – Dr. JP Moreland

Understanding the importance of loving God with the mind as well as the heart is foundational for flourishing during the university years. My guest in this inaugural show is Dr. J.P. Moreland. We discuss themes in his book Love Your God with All Your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul. Dr. Moreland is Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology, Biola University. He has spoken to students and professors on over 175 campuses, and has authored, edited, or contributed to over 90 books and over 85 academic journal articles. In 2019 he was…

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