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#35: Research as Worship

My guest in this episode is Dr. Martine Audeoud, Academic Dean of Bakke Graduate University and author of Research as Worship in the Company of God. In this recent book she shares much wisdom for students doing research for term papers.


In this podcast we discuss:

  • How Martine began thinking about research as worship
  • Why she believes “God is a God of research”
  • How Research as Worship can help students doing term papers
  • Why Africans have a “competative edge” in integrating faith and research and what we can learn from them
  • Why she chose the metaphor of the Jewish tabernacle to illustrate how research is worship
  • A few examples of how the tabernacle metaphor relates to research as study
  • Integrity in research as a reflection of the holiness of God
  • How understanding research as worship guards us against plagiarism, relying on ChatGPT to write papers, the temptation to only hear what we want to hear, etc.
  • How to balance being open to new ideas with affirming what we know biblically, as illustrated by Nehimiah
  • The non-negotiable values a Christian student should maintain while doing research
  • The importance of being part of a faith community to help in research
  • How to find other believers on your campus in general and in your major in particular
  • How to find a mentor(s) to help you as a Christian in your research
  • The importance of selecting the best research approach for your term papers
  • A helpful checklist to writing a good research paper
  • The role of journaling in doing research as worship
  • Sabbath-keeping as a part of research and worship
  • How all of our lives include research, well beyond just writing term papers


Resources mentioned during our conversation:

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